If controlling and limiting screen time is not the best way, what can we do?

Jessie Liew SP
3 min readMay 3, 2023


If controlling and limiting screen time is not the best way, what can we do?

In past videos, I have been sharing that controlling and limiting screen time is not the best option.

You must be wondering, “Jessie, too much screen time is bad. I need to limit their screen time otherwise they will be spending hours on them”.

I agreed. Too much screen time is bad. However, when we try to control and limit our child’s screen time, we always end up having battles or arguments with our children.

I think the best way is to raise Independent, courageous, and conscious children who can self-regulate their screen time and manage their life well.

Tech is going to stay. We need to find ways to live with it.

You want to raise young adults who are prepared for the world.

When you want to control or limit screen time, you have to be there all the time.

Ask yourself, can you be there all the time?

The only way to live with technology is to raise conscious children who can self-regulate their screen time and manage their life well so they can do the right thing even if we are not there with them.

I want you to think.

Do you have any friends or family members who are addicted to alcohol or cigarettes?

Have you ever told them that they have some problem with addiction?

What is their response? Most likely said “I don’t have a problem”

So you see. The person himself or herself needs to be aware that he/she has a problem then only change can be initiated.

A person who doesn’t see any problem with it will never change.

I want to share the story of my eldest daughter Suen who is now 13 years old.

She recognize that she was escaping from pain and that’s why she has been watching YouTube for a longer time.

It felt better in the beginning but the moment she stop it, negative feelings (sadness or anger) came back.

When she meditates with me, she felt much better that she can tell herself “It’s not a big deal” and deal with the situation.

The person must be conscious of her thoughts and habits and only then able to look into herself and decide the change.

So there you are. I present you with the best way: raise independent, courageous, and conscious children who can self-regulate their screen time and manage their life well.

If you are interested to find out more, come to my webinar “20 Painful Mistakes that Parents Regret Making In Their Child’s Screen Time and How to Avoid Them”.

Grab your free seat at Free Webinar “20 Painful Mistakes That Parents Regret Making In Their Child’s Screen Time”.

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Jessie Liew is the founder of Digital Parenting Coaching and a mother of 4. Her previous career included working as a cybersecurity specialist, where she protected clients from the harmful effects caused by online hackers and predators. In her spare time, Jessie enjoys reading, playing games, and adventures.

If you would like to learn more about Jessie and her work, please visit her website at https://www.neverfightwithyourkids.com/.

You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn as Jessie Liew SP.

P.S. Let’s stay connected!

1. Join our Digital Parenting — Reducing Screen Time Facebook Group to get FREE tips and direct access to us.

2. Want to connect with me on social media?

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❤Jessie Liew — FACEBOOK

❤Jessie Liew — INSTAGRAM

❤Jessie Liew — LINKEDIN

3. Watch my Free Webinar “20 Painful Mistakes That Parents Regret Making In Their Child’s Screen Time”.



Jessie Liew SP

I help parents to empower their children to use the screen/Internet responsibly and stay safe online. Join my free FB group http://bit.ly/FBGRPDPC